Engaging in Career-Long Learning
A teacher engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to improve teaching and learning.
When We Are Kind E-Book (PSI)
(c) building capacity to support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments;
This artifact is about how kindness is an integral part of our rights and responsibilities as Grade One students. After reading the book When We Are Kind by Monique Gray Smith, students explored how kindness looks like for ourselves, the people around us, and the Earth, along with how being kind makes us feel. Students were then asked to answer the question at the back of the book "What does kindness mean to you?" Each student completed the statement: "I am kind when..." in ways that fit the needs of each student (verbal, in another language, sign language) and provided a corresponding illustration. All students' work was collected, recorded, and edited into an eBook.
I chose to include this artifact because this was a class project in which every student had a chance to contribute a part of themselves. With the theme of kindness, students were able to learn about inclusivity and respect along with enhancing understanding of FNMI values through Monique Gray Smith's book. I also used various technologies to create the eBook (Voice Memos, Online audio conversion, Audacity, iMovie, Photoshop, WeTransfer) which demonstrates awareness, competencies, and integration of technology into student learning and teaching practices. The eBook also demonstrates inclusivity as each student was able to share their learning in multiple ways (sign language, in a language other than English, visuals).
From this artifact I learned the role that technology can have for student learning. Students can actively engage with the technology to put together a class project and I've realized that for next time, I will try and ensure that students have a more active involvement with the technology in relation to learning. Due to COVID-19 and access to certain pieces of technology, students were not able to have access to iPads or laptops, however in the future, I have learned that the more agency and control students have over their learning, they can become more involved and engaged in their learning.
The way(s) in which I grew or changed as a teacher as a result of this artifact is/are how I can create inclusivity and involvement in my classroom. Although my Grade One students all have varying capabilities, I realized how important it is to ensure that each student has a chance to not only learn the topics at hand in a way that best fits their learning style, but to express themselves and share their learning with others in ways that are meaningful.
Classroom Management Feedback (PSII)
(b) actively seeking out feedback to enhance teaching practice;

This artifact is about a feedback checklist that my TA and I created in order to focus on my classroom management. It includes key elements that are specific to my areas of strengths and weaknesses. ​
I chose to include this artifact because receiving and implementing feedback was a major part of my learning and growth in my PSII practicum. Classroom management was a big area of focus for me as I struggled to be firm, and consistent in my expectations. For the 6 weeks of practicum, I learned various strategies to ensure that I created a safe and welcoming learning environment in my classroom. The feedback that I received from my TA and my UC was integral in developing my teaching practice.
From this artifact, I learned the importance of communicating expectations, being consistent, and being fair with how I manage student behaviors. Feedback from my TA and UC helped me to be clear and concise in my expectations, following through with appropriate consequences, and use an effective and appropriate tone when confronting disruptive behaviour. I learned how to bring the students together by picking one main way to get students' attention, to give students the opportunity to show good learning choices, to not beg or plead in the way I communicate my expectations, and to ensure that I include closure at the end of lessons to reiterate expectations.
The way(s) in which I grew or changed as a teacher as a result of this artifact is/are that I developed more confidence in my role as a teacher in the classroom. I was very passive and timid when it came to my classroom management at the start of this semester. I took a lot of things personally and responded in emotional ways. By the end of the practicum, I felt more confident and assertive in being a teacher and the way that I communicated my expectations become clearer, more concisee, fair, and consistent.