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Summative Assessment

1. assessment of learning

2. assessment for learning

3. assessment as learning

Summative Assessment Objective #1

assessment of learning

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The Social Studies Chapter 7/8 Quiz was a way to assess student learning of Aztec worldview before moving onto the next chapter, which covers Spanish worldview. After 3 study periods, students were assessed on their understanding of how geography, religion, expansion, social hierarchy, education, and citizenship contributed to shaping the Aztec worldview. The "Chapter 7/8 Table of Specifications" shows the planning when creating the assessment, while the "Chapter 7/8 Post Evaluations" analyzes student learning based on each question on the quiz.


There was also a modified version of the Chapter 7/8 quiz for my ELL student to take.

Chapter 7/8 Quiz

Chapter 7/8 Quiz - ELL

Table of Specifications

Post-Quiz Evaluations

Summative Assessment Objective #2

assessment for learning

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As a part of the "Why Am I Here?" unit in Language Arts, students were tasked with writing epitaphs to better understand the kinds of lives that they wanted to live. Students had the opportunity to receive formative feedback on their writing before the summative due date. Students used the platform Teams to submit their work and written feedback was given online for students to implement before handing in their work.

Epitaph Feedback Examples

Summative Assessment Objective #3

assessment as learning

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Students had various opportunities to engage in peer feedback and evaluation of work throughout the semester. Before giving feedback, students received a mini-lesson on how to give effective feedback. Good feedback needed to be specific (outlining clearly the strengths and areas for improvement), have thought and depth, and be constructive and purposeful. Students met up in pairs to give feedback, then made necessary changes based on peer feedback before handing it in for a summative mark.

Peer Feedback Worksheet

Peer Feedback Exemplars

© 2021 by Clara Kuk

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