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Formative Assessment

1. students can show learning

2. impact teaching practices

3. feedback and communication

Formative Assessment Objective #1

students can show learning


The main objective of the "Handprints" was to assess individual student learning on a particular topic of study. Students learned about the history of Spain, focusing on the role of geography and religion in shaping worldview. Formative checks were done during class time and handed in at the end. and used to modify teaching for the following lessons. The "Handprints" assignment showed that the vast majority of students had a comprehensive learning experience on the topics studied during this class period. 


Formative Assessment Objective #2

impact teaching practices

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This mindmap covered the 4 G's of Spanish Worldview and was used at the end of Chapter 9 as a formative check for future teaching practices. Although students had a comprehensive understanding of geography, this formative check showed me that many students were not able to fully make the direct connection between geography and religion when it came to the Spanish worldview.  Formative assessments that build on learning not only mirrored my teaching practice but allowed me to modify future teaching decisions to best meet the needs of my classroom. The 4 G's of Spanish Worldview mindmap allowed me to plan for a review on the geography portion the next day. 

4 G's of Spanish Worldview

Formative Assessment Objective #3

channel for feedback and communication

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The Song Analysis assignment shows the formative feedback provided alongside summative assessments as a way to establish a channel of communication between myself and my students. Both students had struggled with their writing, elaboration, and mechanics when I met them on my first week of teaching. In my fourth week of teaching, I was able to see these two students applying feedback to elaborate on their ideas through details and specific examples, as evident in this assignment. The comments section on the bottom allowed me to connect with my students and congratulate them on their successes.

Song Analysis

© 2021 by Clara Kuk

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